Patient Experience
By continually monitoring patient experience, via our surveys and other feedback, we can provide better services and care tailored to our patients' needs and expectations.
In accordance with the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standard 2: Partnering with Consumers, the contents of this page have been reviewed by Healthe Care Consumer Advisory Committees at Dubbo Private Hospital
We encourage all of our patients to engage with their care providers and voice any concerns arising during your stay with us, so any issues may be resolved as soon as possible. See our Patient Feedback page.
We also engage an independent company to carry out a Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREMS) Survey for the majority of patients 10 – 15 days post discharge. This survey is conducted electronically, or in hard copy (in some circumstances).

Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Willingness to recommend Dubbo Private Hospital
The Net Promotor Score (NPS) is an index ranging from -100 to 100 that measures the willingness of customers to recommend a company's products or services to others.
It is calculated as the difference between the percentage of Promoters and Detractors, and used as a proxy for gauging the customer's overall satisfaction with a company's product or service, and the customer's loyalty to the brand.
Dubbo Private achieved a NPS Score of +81.7% for 2022.

Would you recommend us to a relative or friend?
Dubbo Private Hospital
We recognise that the best compliment for any business is a recommendation from a family member or friend. One of the most important questions we ask our patients is “would you recommend the hospital to a relative or friend?”
At Dubbo Private Hospital, 87.0% of patients surveyed in 2022 would recommend Dubbo Private to a friend or relative.
The graph below shows our hospital responses as a percentage for each month.

Domains of Care
Dubbo Private scores out of 10 for each of the six domains of care
At Dubbo Private Hospital, we monitor 6 domains of care to assist to provide us with information to improve our care and services to you. These are:
- Communication: How well we communicated between health care providers and you / your family or carer
- Coordination: How you feel we coordinated our care and services with you/your family or carer
- Cleanliness and Safety: Rating your room and the facilities in general
- Involvement: How well you feel we involved you/your family or carer in the care provided to you
- Caring for You: How well you feel we cared for you
- Physical Needs: How well you feel we provided for you physical needs
We believe that by continually monitoring your experience, via our survey’s and other feedback, that we can provide better services and care tailored to patients needs and expectations.